Page 10 - 8_sf_Nar_Tanesi_24lu_ingilizce_deneme
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                                 İNGİLİZCE                                           12 SARMAL + 12 GENEL

                            NAR TANESİ DENEME SINAVI                                        SARMAL

            1.  Bu testte 10 soru vardır.  Adı Soyadı: ..............................................................................................  3
            2.  Sınav süresi 20 dakikadır.
            3.  Cevaplarınızı, cevap kağıdına   Okulu: ......................................................................................................
              işaretleyiniz.     Sınıfı: .................................     Numarası: ..............................................


                                   He’s bad-tempered, but
                                   everybody likes him.       He’s loyal and caring.
                         Juniper                                                 Bruno
                                                  FINN’S FRIENDS

                                 He’s honest and reliable.       He’s tactful and

                          Etta                                                    Cruz

              According to ___________, Finn doesn’t like upsetting other people.
              Choose the best option to complete the sentence.
              A)  Juniper                                                     B)  Bruno

              C)  Etta                                                        D) Cruz

          2.   Waitress   :  Hello! _____________?
              Steve     :  Yes, please. I’d like to start with chicken soup, please.
              Waitress  :  Sure. _____________________?

              Steve     :  Meatballs with green salad.
              Waitress  :  Anything to drink?
              Steve     :  Yes, some fruit juice.

              Waitress  :  ______________?
              Steve     :  No, thanks. I’m on a diet.
              Which of the following questions DOES NOT the waitress ask Steve?
              A)  What would you like to drink                                                             SARMAL DENEME 3

              B)  Would you like some dessert
              C)  May I take your order
              D) What would you like for your main course

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